Source code available. GitHub Repository
GitHub Wrapped
Discover your GitHub highlights and achievements of the year in a beautiful video summary.
Things the video includes
This video was created programmatically using Rendley SDK and includes the following features:
- Composition rendered in the browser
- The entire composition is rendered directly in the browser, eliminating the need for a server.
- Keyframe animations
- Keyframe animations were used to bring dynamic movement to elements within the video.
- 4-Gradient Background with GLSL
- The background features 4 gradients that animate across the video, moving from corner to corner. This was created as a GLSL shader.
- Luma Key Effect
- Luma key shader was used to remove the black background from the video, integrating it seamlessly into the scene.
- Masking
- A mask is applied to the programming language scene, hiding text that overlaps the region, with soft blurred corners for a natural look.
- Scaling and trimming
- Clips were scaled and trimmed to fit the composition, ensuring synchronization with the video’s beats.
- Wrap widths
- Text display is controlled with wrap widths, where text automatically wraps to the next line when the maximum length is exceeded.
- Custom fonts
- The composition uses Inter font loaded directly from Google Fonts to give the video a modern look.
- Pre loading
- All elements are pre-loaded to ensure smooth playback without delays during the video.
Ready to get started?
Save hundreds of hours on development and build video apps faster than ever. From editing to rendering, we've got you covered.